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SAM Day Trip to Thornwell

March 12

We will traveltogether in a van to Clinton, SC to visit Thornwell.  As a Christianministry, Thornwell’s mission is to provide safe and nurturing environmentswhere they educate, equip, and support children and families to thrive. For more information on Thornwell, please visit About – Thornwell – Building Tomorrow’sFamilies.


Itinerary: (for both trips)

Meet at the church at 9am.

Arrive at Thornwell at 11am.

Eat lunch (provided by Emma).

Golf cart tours of Thornwell 11:30 to 1:30.

Leave Thornwell by 2.

Back at the church by 4.


Please send me your reservations now, as seating islimited.  I can accept 13 people per trip.  When you respond, pleaselet me know which trip you wish to attend, or let me know that either date willwork for you.



March 12