Listen! That’s what Stephen Ministers do. They have gone through 50 hours of training in providing Christian care so they can focus on your needs and listen to what you really have to say.
The church office phone is (706) 733-2275.
RMPC pastors can be emailed by clicking on the mail link below their profile.

Dawn McCraith
Director of Operations

Director of Children &
Youth Ministries

Becky Godbee
Communications Liaison

Jenny Davison
Music Assistant

Joy Maple
Director of Christian Education

Dr. Wayne Lord
Organist / Choirmaster

Anna Sanders
Director of Mother's Day Out & Preschool

Leonard Jones
Facility Supervisor

Helen Moss

Tyler Cashin
A/V Technician
Session (Elders)
Denise Rosenzweig, Clerk
Class of 2025
Bill Davison
Jennifer Frantom
David Freeman
Jean McKnight
Amanda Mills
Richard Morgan
Class of 2026
Shell Berry
Indee Few
John Franklin
Seth Harbin
Jed Howington
Cheryl Wilson
Class of 2027
Dana Cook-Cheape
Benton Johnson
Richard Sasnett
Charlene Sizemore
Bob Speaks
Board of Deacons
Ross Tudor, Moderator
Class of 2025
Linda Boyd
Hubert Cooke
Judy Brigham
Jan Markle
Carla Owen
Gail Owens
Harry Snowdy
Class of 2026
Jamie Driver
Jerry Howington
Sumner Markwalter
Jones Miller
Mary-Meghan Olmo
Brannon Sell
Sandra Wade
Susan Wilson
Class of 2027
Alice Bielewicz
Mary Ann Franklin
Tommy Jones
Lillian Magruder
Myra Naglich
Patty Reece
Patrick Wells
Bette Wright

Active Stephen Ministers
Myra Naglich, Leader
Mandy Boland, Leader
Jones Miller, Leader
Ann Overstreet
Sonny Reece
Indee Few
Jenn Wilson
Holly Harbin
Clay Stallworth
Jamie Driver
Barbara Miller
Joy Maple
Becky Godbee
Carol Turner
Kathryn McLeod