POC Wayne
Phyliss- email mygirlphyl@gmail.com; 706-373-6030
POC - Dawn McCraith
POC - Mary Lewis
POC - Judi Burt
POC Marist Jackson
POC Nadine
Contact Pam Lien 706-664-9535
POC - Joy Maple
Join Pastor Nadine at the Savannah Rapids Pavillion for prayer and meditation followed by a silent prayer walk at your own pace.
POC Anna
Contact Paul Rosenzwieg or Rachel Stone
POC - Cheryl Wilson Changed from Tues to Wed starting 1/15/2025
POC Linda Boyd
POC Issac McTier
POC Issac McTier/Darryl Hawthorn
POC Dawn
POC - Charlene
Location TBD