Summer Jubilee Sunday School for the month of August
POC Mary Lewis
POC Coach Clifton Williams and Lauren Robbins
POC Winn Goodwin (706) 738-7202
POC - Dawn McCraith
POC - Judi Burt
National Alliance on Mental Illness Joann Hay (706)914-0527 Schedule for Heater to NOT come on during this meeting.
Contact Pam Lien 706-664-9535
Private family internment will follow.
POC - Joy Maple
Join Pastor Nadine at the Savannah Rapids Pavillion for prayer and meditation followed by a silent prayer walk at your own pace.
POC - Jerry Howington
POC Emma Slater
POC Beth Wiseman
POC Anna MDO and Kyle with SS 709-392-3268
POC Elizabeth bellesotb@gmail.com